the company that changes and leads the fishing rod market.
We heartily thank you
for visiting JS COMPANY's webpage.

JSCOMPANY welcomes everyone who loves fishing.
We pursue a warm and community that is like the wide world, that lives with the wide ocean, river, and the nature
Since the establishment in 1984, we are boundlessly delighted that we can share the stories of fishing with you and the stories of living life with even more entertainment today, with the confidence of Korea's rod specialty brand. We will listen to your voices.
We will understand your mind.
And we will endeavor to become a national company that grows with you with an endlessly challenging spirit. Please look forward to our adventure and give us your support.
On the day with great weather, embark on your fishing journey with your friend, and with your family.
We pray for a new passion to burn with your daily life.
Jangseok Go, CEO of JSCOMPANY Co., Ltd.